Sunday, January 17, 2010

Til today there still people who are so blind and totally lost their mind when they made their staement loud and clear earlier on but seemed to forget what they had campaigned...
If you are not satisfied with some one just say it loud nad clear on his/her face...why do it underground and wait for people to discover it on their own?! don't have the courage to do it to the people whom you are so pissed off of ?! You this stupidly acted JERK....
when people launched their war on me, they better be prepare for IT coz' i'm not that kind of people who will just sit there and do nothing...when i strike,not only i will make sure u know it's me who do it and i wiil make sure YOU are going down for good... take my words, Mr WHOEVER that declare your war on me, u better have your army with you...otherwise you are the one who is going to pay for what you had started in the first place...

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